山﨑杉夫 やまざきすぎお






最近の仕事には「大好きな町に用がある」(角田光代/スチッチパブリッシング刊 )、「任侠学園」(今野敏/中央公論新社刊)の表紙絵がある。著書に絵本「黒猫ナイト」(長崎出版)、紙芝居「ばけねこやま」(教育画劇)。

OPA GARALLY(神宮前)にて隔年で個展を開催しています。神奈川県鎌倉市在住。同人誌「四月と十月」同人。




Sugio Yamazaki (1968-) is an illustrator and author of picture books.

After graduating from Rikkyo University, he studied illustration at SETSU MODE SEMINAR and the private academy of Anzai Mizumaru.

Awarded The Choice Annual Award in 2003 (Exhibition sponsored by Genkosha Publishing Company), and Golden prizes at Tokyo Illustrators Society in 2003 and 2004.

He is active as a publishing and advertisement illustrator.

Author of a picture book “The Black Cat’s Night” (Nagasaki Publishing Company, 2006).

Lives in Kamakura city, Kanagawa prefecture. A member of shigatu to juugatsu.